Write Your Novel Step by Step (15) "Outlandish Characters"
In the last step you added some unusual characters to your story, but not so unusual that they couldn’t easily be explained. In this step we’ll pull out all the stops and list some completely inappropriate characters that would take a heap of explaining to your readers if they showed up in your story. Example: In our example story set in an old western town, such characters might be: Richard Nixon Martians Ghost of Julius Caesar Pretty “out there,” right? Although you'll likely discard these characters in our pruning step down the line, the process of coming up with outlandish characters can lead to new ideas and directions for your story. For example, the town Marshall might become more interesting if he was a history buff, specifically reading about the Roman Empire. In his first run-in with the gang, he is knocked out cold with a concussion. For the rest of the story, he keeps imagining the Ghost of Julius Caesar, giving him unwanted advice. Now’s the time to