1953 - Born in California, Stayed for the Food

I was born in California at the ripe old age of zero.  Years later, here I am.  The End.

Oh, and two additional points....

First, each of us holds a world record: Every person - even if just for a few brief moments, and by any consistent standard of measurement you want to use - was at one time the youngest person on earth, out of all of those billions of human beings who inhabit the orb.  Kinda makes you feel special, doesn't it?

Second, we are all star stuff.  All the elements in our bodies that are heavier than iron cannot be made in a first-generation solar system.  These heavier elements must first be cooked in a star, then absorbed into a new solar system in order to appear in the substance of a planet.  So, at some point in the dark recesses of the past, the very material from which we are made was once cooking in the belly of a sun.  Again, kinda makes you feel special.   Or, at least, a little bit old.

(NOTE - This blog software won't accept a post date earlier than 1/1/70, so all events from an earlier time will have to share that date and have the correct year noted in the post title.)


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