Covered in Plaster Dust

When we decided to sell our cabin in 2005, we knew we could get a lot more for it with a little remodling. So, we spent about $5,000 on materials and put in all the labor ourselves.

These pictures show me after I had been sanding plaster in the attice of the garage that we turned into a guest room.

After installing insulation, I had dry walled the entire irregularly shaped inside of the room - two jobs I'd never done before and hope to never to again!

Then, I plastered the who interior and then sanded it all down. These pictures are the result of my sanding effrorts.

Teresa's job was to sand the deck in preparation for staining. When we bought the place we thought the old grey wood was pine.

Turned out the whole 1200 square foot deck was redwood. Later I'll show some pictures of the finished product.


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