The Obstructionist Party

In Washington D.C. we have a two-party system. But it is no longer the Democrats and the Republicans. Rather, every election one becomes the Party In Power and the other takes on the role of the Obstructionist Party.

Last time, the Democrats were the Obstructionists. This time around it is the Republicans.

For example, the passage of the revised stimulus bill in the House of Representatives was certain. Yet no Republicans voted for its passage. The success of the stimulus is not nearly so dependent on the spending of money as it is on a perception that the government is turning the economy around. Only in this way will confidence permeate into the fabric of our socio-economic system and drive the engine of prosperity.

The best way to instill confidence is to create a sense that our leaders are all committed to the plan of action that will be implemented. Yet, while professing through their spokesmen that the Republican Party wishes the president to succeed for the benefit of the American people, they do the one thing with which they can most undermine the potential of that success - they give the impression the stimulus plan is flawed and can't possibly succeed.

Why? Not because they are Republicans, but because they ceased to be Republicans the moment they were elected as the Obstructionist Party.

Another example, the Governor of Louisiana is the current point man for the Obstructionist agenda. Even after having met with president today (as part of a gathering of Governors regarding the stimulus) he refused to project a sense that the economy will recover.

About a week ago, this Governor (and two other Obstructionist governors made the public proclamation that the stimulus bill was so bad they would refuse to accept the funds. Clearly that works to make the public fearful, not confident, again undermining the potential success, which is the political agenda of the Obstructionist Party.

One of the key points he brought up when speaking to the press today was the "wasteful spending" of the stimulus allocation for the government to buy new cars for its fleet. Now, a true representative of the American people would have applauded that provision by pointing out that the existing fleet is aging and fuel inefficient. The new cars will plug the leak of government funds into repairs and fuel. The cars must be hybrids, which have the added benefit of greening the environment. And in addition, they must be American made, which helps the auto industry (our weakest sector in the economy) and keeps people employed.

A Republican would have taken that stand. But an Obstructionist avoids all those pesky facts and labels the whole stimulus bill "wasteful" based on a handful of similar programs that account for less than 10% of the expenditures, which focus mainly on tax cuts, infrastructure rebuilding, and direct assistance to our fifty states.

Finally, a Republican would accept the money for his state, helping his people and helping the stimulus succeed. But an Obstructionist has but one agenda - to stand in the way of the Party In Power, create gridlock, and do everything he or she can to undermine any progress that might be made.

But Republicans take heart. Some few years down the line, the Democrats will fall out of favor with the electorate, and once again your members will take the reigns as the new Party In Power, only to be thwarted by the Obstructionist Party (who used to be Democrats).


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