Transcription - November 29, 1994

It’s November 29, 1994

Just about noon. A little past noon. Thought for today: dealing with duration of an event, or duration of an activity as the principal female means of measurement. When you look at how long something takes to be accomplished - how long it lasts - everyone is aware of these. It seems to be intrinsic in the nature of women, which is why time locks don’t have much meaning to the female perspective in terms of emapthy. It’s not a certain fixed, objective sense of time, but how long it “seems” that’s important.

When you deal with an option lock (because you are limited in your options) the longer the problem lasts - the more duration it has - the more it irritates, much as if you take your finger nail and start scratching away at your skin: the longer you do it, the more irritated it will become. Or, if you stay out in the sun and get a sunburn, the longer you are there the worse the burn will be. Eventually, it gets irritating to the point you can’t stand it anymore, and that’s when you reach a leap of faith in an option lock story.

Although you feel things in terms of time in an option lock - that they’ve lasted longer and longer and longer, and you have to go quicker and quicker to get them over with - in a time lock story that doesn’t have a lot of meaning for the female point of view because it just says, ‘This is a fixed amount of time, and that’s when it’s going to be over, and it doesn’t matter how long it feels.”

The concept of subjective time vs. objective time - objective reality vs. subjective reality - has certainly been discussed much throughout history. However, in terms of Dramatica, dealing with subjective time... looking at a day and saying you want a day that is a pleasant day to last longer. You want a day that is a miserable day to go by more quickly. You don’t want your life to fly by.

Let’s look at the concept of having a certain amount of subjective time in your life. You only have a certain amount of subjective time. And if you make it go by more quickly, you use it up, and that will mean things will go more quickly later as well. How is this possible? Well, it all has to do with duration.

When you are doing activities in a day, and getting them done, do you rush through them or do you liesurely go through them? Suppose it’s a day off. I found today, when I am going in late to the office and working around the house, that first I was rushing around to get some presents wrapped for the kids. I would rush out to the garage and get the presents, then rush back in with them, and then hurry over and get the wrapping paper, and quickly wrap them. Not only did I do a less than sterling job of neatness, but in addition it seemed like the morning just flew by.

However, when I stopped at lunch time and I made a TV dinner, and I sat down and savored the dinner, enjoyed it, didn’t rush through, just went through at a liesurely fashion, I’d look at the clock and it seemed like the clock was hardly moving at all. The key is “speed” in relationship to “duration”, and “acceleration” in relationship to “duration”.

When it seems like things are getting more and more hectic until you can’t stand it, then there’s an acceleration in speed which shortens the duration, and it makes time feel like it’s going faster and faster, for either good things or bad things. However, if you have a steady speed of doing things with zero acceleration, then things seem to be going at roughly the same rate, whatever it is. You have an interia to your speed because there is no acceleration. When you have speed without acceleration, you have inertia. Subjectively, zero acceleration means that things will not seem like they are going any faster or slower, but whatever time you have available to you, it will seem like a consistent rate of passage.

If you have deceleration, where you are starting out hectic and going slower and slower until you are leisurely languishing, barely moving, time will seem like it is going slower and slower as well. It takes longer and longer for things to happen.

Picking a speed at which your life seems to be interesting (because you end up with boredom if you go too slow) and that it is an enjoyable speed of spending your life’s subjective time (so that you don’t feel like you are racing through it) you find that those two are diametrically opposed. When you have something that interests you, it seems as if time is going faster, and if you have something that bores you, time will go slower. Well, this is only if you are using just one of the pair relationships (probably the dependent relationship).

However, if you use a companion pair relationship between your interests and the passage of time, rather than looking at the number of experiences you want to have, you will look into the details of what you are doing. Then you can get all wrapped up in something and go through it at a liesurely speed and see more an more detail in it, rather than going linearly through the steps. That will keep your interest at the same time that it makes time appear to pass more slowly.

We have a tendency in this culture that even if we shift away from trying to get this done and that done and moving away from the linear, even if we stop and deal with something in a detail or option lock fashion (whether it is a job or a hobby) we tend to go through those levels of detail as quickly as we can, pushing the limit right to the edge of not being able to absorb those details - just enough to see them and then to move on. It’s how we sight see - leaping from one destination to another: going from here to there and never seeing the scenery go by.

Whenever we shut our minds to details to go through steps, or we just take snap photographs of the way things are as we pass through levels of detail, waiting to see the patterns and processes that emerge at any given level of resolution, we find ourselves speeding through our lives.

If instead, we examine our surroundings... Look at it in terms of a materialistic society. In a materialistic society we want more and more things, but we hardly ever use the things we have. In the past few months, I’ve been trying to have fewer and fewer things. I’ve been giving a lot of stuff away. In addition, I’ve been putting a lot of stuff away in the shed, where it is not in my direct observation.

I find that I have more books than I can read in ten years, sitting on my shelf unread! I have videos that I’ve only seen once, and have absolutely no idea of when I would see them again. I’m beginning to view them, and if they are not that interesting, I’m erasing them or giving them to somebody else. In doing this, I’m beginning to go through those levels of resolution - not to get more things, but to get more detail out of the things I have. I move my way down the levels, however, I am not trying to do it quickly.

When I used to try and paint the house, for example, I would try to do it all in a weekend. So far, it has taken me five weeks to paint the house, and it will probably take a total of two months before it’s finished. By taking my time and going through the details and making sure there aren’t any smudges and that I fill in all the cracks, the job is not only a better job when it is over, but is has been a more enjoyable job. I’m not trying to just slap things on and not be satisfied until it’s over, but I am enjoying the process of doing the painting. So, there is the reward of seeing a good job behind me as I finish section by section; at the same time, there is the pleasure of working on it which makes time seem to go very slowly. I’m not pushing it. I’m not trying to go as fast as I can; I’m letting it all be an option lock at every level.

This change in attitude for me is, I think, going to be a valuable function we can provide with Alter Ego [personal problem solving software] if one is trying to get one’s life to slow down. For example, in talking on the tape recorder here, normally I speak a mile a minute. And, I’ve done that in my classes that I have been giving in Dramatica.

For example, in talking on the tape recorder here, normally I speak a mile a minute. Now I’ve done that in my classes that I've been giving in dramatica. When I got to the point where I was just reaching the max in speaking as quickly as I could and not pausing for audience response, no one would understand anything, so I was doing a terrible job of educating and at the same time I was getting all frantic, worked up into a tizzy, and feeling like the time just whizzed by and there wasn't enough time to say everything that had to be said . However, in the last month or so I've been slowing down my presentation, both on my microcassette recordings and also in class so that I'm putting pauses in, giving time for consideration.

We all know in humor that if you tell a joke and you don't wait for the audience to laugh, you're stepping on their laughter and they won't hear the next joke or they feel like they were rushed through and didn't have time to enjoy the joke you already layed on them . The key is to give time for consideration , time to enjoy something to the fullest .

How do you diet? Not by cutting down on the aount of food you eat - that will happen naturally if you consider the food as you're eating it. Enjoy it , savor it, take a bit, don't just wolf it down . If you slow down your speed to the point that you are able to enjoy all the aspects of something within the current level of resolution that you're dealing with, everything that you can be aware of in terms of it's new awesome subtlety, then at that point you will have gotten the most out of that experience and the most out of that moment and time will go very slowly for you, yet your life will feel very full , it will not feel boring, you will find that you accomplish more with better detailed work that are precision, people will find you more organized, you will find yourself more organized, things will not surprise you as much because you are taking care of the detail work so you are aware of the little nuisances and terms and eddies that can have an impact on what you are trying to accomplish, you see things coming ahead of time and can anticipate better , you can savor the memory of it better, because you have more cross-connecting touch points in the holographic memory as you fill it with more details, each of which will then be associated with memory as a whole and can recall it again, your entire life, the fabric of your life becomes much richer when you just slow down . but if you only slow down and don't go into looking in the details and just go slowly, you will feel constrained , held back ,frustated, nervous,anxious and chomping at the bed and bored.when you slow down, don't just slow down arbitrarily ,allow that to happen by itself so that you examine the details more and more fully within the limits of practicality of course, and when you have examined the details down to the level that is as far as you can see without losing sight of where you started that carries you to the full depth of mind, full size of mind or range of mind that you can have just keep track of what you're tryi ng to accomplish and then go down into the levels of detail to the fourth level wich is the farthest you can go and still hold the top level you won’t be able to go to the fourth, you will only be able to see the fourth .When you do that, you’re experiences will be as rich as thay can be and time will go as slowly as it can
and you will note be spending the time, the subjective time of your life more quickly, wasting it all at once and a lot frenzy and then having nothing but a deficit later so that your subjective time has to be spread out over many, many more years, meaning that it will pull them all together and make them go much faster . That’s the way to have a more enjoyable, more pleasing pace of lifein any endeavor, in both work and both at home.
Another thought occurs to me, it’s now about twent-five minutes after twelve . Just as we have resolution in dealing with spacial appreciations, there must be a resolution we deal with and temporal considerations. In other words when we use the example of taking a piece if twine and spiraling it, and going through the spiral of the spiral and the spiral of the spiral of the spiral and trying to carry it to the fourth level and we can’t see anything beyond that as long as we’re still trying to look at the first one . Now the same thing must happen with time , in terms of space , we’re looking at the details we can see within fractal levels, when we deal with frictals, frictal relationships, we’re dealing with magnitudes of time, in other words circuits around the spiral. When you make a trip around the first spiral and then you make a trip around the second spiral and then you make a trip around the third spiral , you can see the wave forms undulating like signals that are riding on a carrier wave with the longest wave form appearing to be the carrier and the shorter wave form are the shorter cycles appearing to be the information that’s modulated on it and you can see three of those but if you try to go to the fourth , you’ll lose the signal or the data or the information that’s riding on the carrier’s and sub-carrier’s that is at the smallest level of temporal resolution.

The way this works is that we’re talking in each case about getting down to the level of the though-on , that when you look at the thought-on, that’s the thing that creates the first spiral, whether you see it as spatial or as temporal. For it to processtakes a certain amount of time , that amount of time becomes the caliberation by which time passage is initially measured. Sometimes it speeds up and sometimes it slows down, but you can never see that speed or slow down within yourself, because that is the foundation against which all other change is measured. So, instead, you look at the external senses to sense how time is passing and then you measure what are supposedly objective passages of time like a clock moving around against your own sense of time to see whether you’re moving faster or slower than it, and between the measurement you can tell if you’re accelerating or decelerating. But there is a resolution there down at the thought-on level and you’ll never be able to see anything smaller in terms of a time passage than that. The particulate nature of time is an interesting concept, just as you would look at light and say you see the particle and wave nature of light in the external universe, it’s really one thing that generates a particle and wave nature. The thought-on in the mind generates a particulate and a wave nature of time. In other word you can see particles of time, because that’s the smallest resolution you can see of time passing and that smallest resolution appears to be a unit of time which is a particle. A spatial view of time as it were. When you look out across a valley from a mountain top, there comes a point, maybe two hundred feet, five hundred feet, a thousand feet away from you, where anything farther than that doesn’t have any depth to it created by depth perception, you can still see things appear to get smaller, you can see that more and more material gets put in the air in front of you and it’s hazier and hazier which gives a sense of depth, but if those things weren’t present, if you didn’t have size differential and you took two items and gave them to a subject and said, “look at these” and put one a thousand feet away and put one five thousand feet away, by their binocular vision alone they could not tell that there was any distance difference in distance between the two. Why is this? Well it’s because you get to a point where binocular vision is judging the paralax against the background between two items. The two eyes are converging with the two images and saying there is paralax seen between them, because we have to bend the eyes a certain distance. Now the eyes also have a resolution to them, because of the rods and the cones. Color resolution is a little less than black and white resolution, but there isn’t a limit to resolution, just like a television screen has a certain resolution, the eye can only discern so much detail, before the detail that occurs smaller than the diameter of the rod cannot be perceived. When you apply this to binocular vision, then someone looking at something in the distance at the paralax shift between the two eyes, uh between two eye views, is less than the diameter of a rod say, then you will not notice any paralax shift different between the two objects, because it’s lost in the resolution of the eye itself. Now notice how that’s slipped an entire fractal level , but it still has an influence . We’re talking about seeing paralax between two things, and yet there’s a limit line beyond which we cannot see any paralax difference between two objects of different distances anything say past a thousand feet. What puts that limit on it? Nothing to do with binocular vision, the eyeballs can still feel themselves moving with greater resolution than that and can feel the angle that’s created between them, but the resolution of the eye itself is such that, it can’t see that there is a different angle needed between the two of them, It can’t see the diffference in paralax, it’s invisible and because it’s invisible it puts a limit on how far binocular vision works, now apply this to time. We look at time passing and as I mentioned earlier, if we keep track of what it is we’re trying to achieve, or what it is we’re trying to experience at one level, and we allow ourselves to go farther and farther away from ourselves looking into greater and greater detail in the work we’re doing, eventually, if we go down to three levels and approach the fourth, we’ll be as far as we can in terms of seeing into those details which will then apparently stretch time to the limit because all of the cycles of time, measurement we have of which there are four simultaneous ones that we can be aware of at one point. All four of those will be filled with the activity at hand and as soon as you fill each of those buffers, temporal buffers, starting with the particulate nature of time which is down at level one at the level of the thought-on and carry it all the way up to the wave nature of time at the highest level, by the time you have finished with all of that , you have fully saturated your time sense, because you can carry no more breadth of resolution than that at one time, and just like with binocular vision when you cannot discern the difference because it lies outside the scope of your level of resolution. You can’t tell if time is passing any slower or any faster for an object beyond that level, for example, look at a tree, try to watch a tree grow, just by watching it. Then try to look at a mountain and see a mountain rise or be eroded away, just by watching it. In fact the growth and fall of a tree occurs much , much quicker by magnitudes. than the rise and fall of a mountain, and yet we can perceive no difference in them just by observation alone, there is no temporal sense in the difference between the tree and the mountain and so temporally they’re classed together because they’re beyond the resolution of our observation, by our baseline. The way our mind works, there is a range in which the though-on can move faster or slower in terms of it’s processing, which is controlled primarily by the biochemistry and as it does this, time appears to speed up and slow down in our daily lives, seems it seems, uh things seem more hectic or more laid back. Good things and bad things, it doesn’t matter, they can seem like they’re going faster or slower, and we can get bored. The cure for boredom is not to find something else to do, the cure for boredom is to find something else to do with what you’re already doing to look deeper into it, to look for more meaning in the same thing you’re involved in. That’s how you survive in a prison camp or in solitary confinement is to start counting the cracks on the walls and then from counting the cracks on the walls, if you’ll understand them fully, then you move your way into looking at the differences in each crack in terms of it’s shape and it’s depth and if that’s not enough, then you start looking into the particles of dirt that are lodged into the cracks and so on. And eventually you reach the point where a life sentence would not be long enough for you to exhaust the level of detail, but your mind has still been functioning and hasn’t frozen up. All of these concepts , of course tie in together with central mental relativity theory, but the real work that we can accomplish, the real understanding that we can bring is not in this revolutionary view of space that we’ve been touting with our structure and our dynamics which merely describes the forces at work and what they are applied to, but to go to the other levels of time, where we’re describing the processes that manipulate the dynamics in relationship to the structure and how they change the rate at which they do this. When you change the rate at which these processes are manipulated in relationship to the structure, the dynamics are manipulated in relationship to the structure by processes, and the duration of the processes changes, they slip in and out sync, so that processes that were completed before another one began, now may be completed after the other one begins or even after the other one is completed. In other words, the sequence in which things occur will change by virtue of the duration of processesaltering. That temporal aspect is where the real understanding, the real break-through, is coming through with mental relativity. One way to describe it is to look at waves and say, “where do you glimpse the wave?” If you look at a wave as an emotion, because it’s definitely the emotional side, the biochemical side of experience that we’re talking about here, which is what we’re working with in Dramatica right now with the new front end that we’re creating using the genre appreciations of comedy drama information and entertainment in relationship to the classes


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