Writing With The Story Mind (free ebook)

Here's the first 27 pages of a book in process that I'm writing about the Story Mind concept and how to apply it in your writing.

Just thought I'd share it since it may be years before I get around to finishing it:

Here's the download link:

The Story Mind - Download in PDF


tricksterjawa said…
From a beginner-I've struggled with learning this craft. Probably the greatest problem for me is solved by simply not "getting it right, but getting it written". However, I've accomplished more in the last two weeks than I have in the last two years by listening to your MP3's and reading your "storymind" perspective. A thousand thanks from me to you for helping me cut through this Gordian knot. I've owned Dramatica Pro for 15 months and listened to the Theory Book at least 6 times and still had only a love/hate relationship with the theory-I loved the idea of it, but hated that I couldn't understand the relationships and functions of all the parts. Now I'm on the road to getting it and using it effectively. My story is organic and blooming from within. It feels right. I always knew it could. Within seconds of hearing your storymind perspective I had my big a-ha moment. I think this theory will lead to the coming-of-age of many future produced writers. I'll keep you posted.

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