"Glass Deer" (1971)

"Glass Deer" (1971)

This may be the very first picture I took when I was given my first 35mm still camera in 1971.  It is certainly my first indoor picture using natural light.  I remember wandering around the living room, looking for something interesting - something that offered a really good composition.  Plus, I was interest in "macro" photography at the time, due to my six years of previous experience shooting super-8 movies with my Canon 814 Auto Zoom (which had a macro setting for some really cool close-ups no one else could do in super-8).

This deer is about 3 or 4 inches tall - something my mom had picked up as a little display trinket for the house.  I noticed the light coming in through the front window behind it and liked the matching colors of the sun and the glass, plus the matching curve of our front room lamp (the dark silhouette that bisects the deer, right along the legs, completing the curve and casting the trinket have in front of light and have in front of shadow, but highlighted from behind.


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